Barqueiro Drone Shoot

Barquiero Drone Shoot Galicia
Stuart Wynne 10th December 2017 No Comments

I have been having a lot of fun with my new DJI Phantom 3 Standard Drone this autumn, and I think I’ll be hard pressed to find a more beautiful location for such excursions as here in Galicia. The featured image here is taken facing down the river valley close to the picturesque little fishing port of Barqueiro, where small boats put-put in and out of the small marina and fresh sea food as always close to hand. I have been especially blessed with many days of clear skies and very little wind for these shoots, as this photograph documents, with low tides exposing wonderful sand formations and the autumn sun twinkling wonderfully off the gently rippling sea. I love Barqueiro.

I look forward to many more days like this during the remainder of my winter here, but new adventures approach which will see my ariel photo collection expand into UK areas. With a new job starting there in February I will be locking up the small farmhouse we currently call home here in Galicia, and begin an exploration of the East Anglian coastline. My drone will be coming with me of course, so watch out for documentation of some chilly English voyages in the near future. But for now, lets return to slightly warmer climes and continue our journey through more of the Caribbean sea creatures that I have captured on film. Enjoy.

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