One of the larger growing grouper species, the Nassau Grouper can reach over a meter in length if left undisturbed with plenty of food. Unfortunately today in Anguilla it is rare to see one anywhere near this size as most are fished out before then, ending up on a hungry diners dinner plate. All is not lost though as a fair amount of juveniles are still seen in certain coastal areas including some of the marine parks, for example Little Bay. If we can get these areas properly protected then hopefully large groupers may once again be seen in local waters. This could be a special importance as a control for the invasive Lionfish in the Caribbean. Reportedly, if they reach a large enough size they will corral and eat this foreign species. This could be good news, and should certainly be motivation enough to get the species some kind of special status.
Originally posted on Instagram @sea_anguilla with the text: Nassau Grouper taking five on a bed of Cyanobacteria. These once common fish are now not often seen as large adults due to over fishing. It’s a shame they are so delicious! Do your bit by not buying small babies or if fishing throw back undersized individuals.