Water Quality Monitoring

Water & Stones - Little Bay Anguilla

Project Info

  • Date January, 2009
  • Location Anguilla Eastern Caribbean
  • CLIENT The Government of Anguilla
  • Category Coastal Resource Management, EIA Consults, Habitat Restoration, Marine Park Management, Marine Spatial Planning, Policy Advice

Water Quality Monitoring

Following fears of poor water quality around Anguilla, and fears of a phenomenon known as Caribbean regional eutrophication, this project set out to establish baseline data on basic water qualities parameters around the island, with the hope of establishing a permanent monitoring programme in collaboration with the Anguilla Water Lab. The results of this project indicated that eutrophic conditions were in fact present around Anguilla, and together with other visual observation and results from other survey work, gave rise to the theory of regional Caribbean eutrophication.

Project report >  Anguilla Marine Water Sampling Pilot Study Report (1687 downloads )

Associated report >  Observational Evidence of Regional Eutrophication (983 downloads )