- Wynne S.P. (2004). Efficacy of Turtle Excluder Devices on Turtle Strandings in the Gulf of Mexico. Oryx 38. Briefly Section pp. 3-12.
- Wynne S.P. (2004). Habitat use and effects of fishing on the Spotted Spiny Lobster (Panulirus guttatus) in Anguilla, British West Indies. MSc thesis. University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ. Published by Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN 978-3-659-16649-5. Available for purchase here.
- Wynne S.P. (2005). Greenforce Andros Island Marine Project. 2005 Annual Report: Reaching Objectives: Project Appraisal and Future Directions. Greenforce, 530 Fulham Road, London, SW6 5NR, UK. Available for download here > Andros Island Marine Project Report 2005 (1550 downloads ) .
- Wynne S.P. & Coté I.M. (2007). Effects of habitat quality and fishing on Spotted Spiny Lobster (Panulirus guttatus) population densities in Anguilla, British West Indies. Journal of Applied Ecology 44. pp. 488-494.
- Wynne S.P. (2007 to 2009). Eight Governmental fisheries reports produced for the Government of Anguilla by the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources. All are available online at: http://www.gov.ai/documents/fisheries. Three examples are available here > Panulirus guttatus Fishery Assessment (1516 downloads ) ; Anguilla Marine Water Sampling Pilot Study Report (1687 downloads ) & Diadema Translocation Study (1476 downloads ) .
- Wynne S.P. (2008). Contributing author to Wilkinson, C. (2008). ‘Status of coral reefs of the world: 2008’. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Townsville, Australia, 296p. Chapter 19. ‘Status of Coral Reefs of the Lesser Antilles: The French West Indies, The Netherlands Antilles, Anguilla, Antigua, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago’.
- Wynne S.P. (2010). Status of Anguilla’s Marine Resources 2010. Report produced for the Government of Anguilla by the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources. Published by Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN 978-3-659-17781-1. Available for purchase here. Unpublished version can be downloaded here > Status of Anguillas Marine Resources 2010 (1257 downloads ) .
- Wynne S.P. (2012). Management Plan for Cades Bay Marine Reserve. With feasibility analysis for a single marine reserve management unit and monitoring plan for all Antigua & Barbuda’s Marine Reserves. Produced for the Fisheries Division, Government of Antigua.
- Wynne S.P. (2013). Contributing author to Coral Reefs of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories. Series Coral Reefs of the World Vol.4. Sheppard, Charles (Ed). Chapter 2 ‘Coral Reefs of Anguilla’.
- Gumbs, K., Johnson, R., Wynne, S.P. and Connor, R. (2014). Anguilla Lionfish Response Plan. Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Anguilla BWI.
- Gumbs K., Wynne S.P., & Johnson R. (2015). The Anguilla Fisheries Development Plan 2015-2025. Produced for the Government of Anguilla by the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources. Available online at: http://www.gov.ai/documents/fisheries or by clicking here.
- Wynne S.P. (2015). Developing an adaptive management plan for Anguilla’s Marine Park System and associated shallow water habitats and fisheries 2015-2025. Produced for the Government of Anguilla by the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources. Available online at: http://www.gov.ai/documents/fisheries or by clicking here. A condensed working version of this plan produced at regular intervals, the most recent of which (May 2017) is available here > Management Plan for Anguilla Marine Park System (1630 downloads ) .
- Wynne S.P. (2016). Developing marine management strategies against regional eutrophication in Caribbean small island nations with limited financial and logistical resources. PhD thesis. Ryan Institute, Galway University, Rep of Ireland. Published online at: https://aran.library.nuigalway.ie/handle/10379/6583
- Wynne S.P., Cambers G., Richardson R. & Salisbury O. (2016). The Anguilla beach monitoring report 1992-2014: Temporal analysis of twenty two years of monitoring data. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 01. 35 pages. Available to view or download here
- Wynne S.P., Edwards C.E. & Kuramae Izoika A. (2016). Rapid coastal benthic assessment of Sombrero Island, Anguilla, British West Indies. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 02. 8 pages. Available to view or download here
- Wynne S.P., Kuramae Izoika A. & Boman E.M. (2016). Summary of Queen Conch (Lobatus gigas) research undertaken in Anguilla and the implications for current management practices. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 03. 17 pages. Available to view or download here
- Wynne S.P. (2016). Biometric relationships, size class structures, and growth rates of Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Green (Chelonia mydas) Sea Turtles in Anguilla, with observations on occurrence and prevalence of fibropapilloma. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 04. 9 pages. Available to view or download here
- Wynne S.P. (2016). Status of Lionfish (Pterios volitans) populations in Anguilla, British West Indies, with additional biometric and stomach content analysis results. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 05. 12 pages. Available to view or download here
- Wynne S.P. (2017). Trends and other temporal changes recorded during ten years of the Anguilla Marine Monitoring Programme. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 06. 37 pages. Available to view or download here
- Wynne S.P. & Edwards C.E. (2017). Offshore habitat assessment of the Inner Anguilla Bank and North of the Seal Island Reef System. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 07. 15 pages. Available to view or download here
- Wynne S.P. (2017). Observational evidence of regional eutrophication in the Caribbean Sea and potential impacts of coral reef ecosystems and their management in Anguilla, BWI. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 08. 22 pages. Available to view or download here
- Wynne S.P. (2017). Developing an ecologically based rapid site ranking tool to identify coral reef habitat health gradients and conservation priority areas in Anguilla, British West Indies. Anguilla Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Bulletin 09. 14 pages. Available to view or download here
- Gore S., Wynne S.P. & Myers A. (2018). Chapter 23 (Eastern Caribbean) in World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation, Vol I: Europe, The Americas and West Africa. pp. 549-566. Elsevier Academic Press. ISBN: 978-0-128-05068-2. Available for purchase here.
- Dourdeville K.M., Wynne S.P., Prescott R. & Bourque O. (2018). Three-island, Intra-Season Nesting Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) Killed by Vessel Strike off Massachusetts, USA. Marine Turtle Newsletter 155. pp. 8-10. Available online here.
- Wynne S.P. (2019). An Underwater Guide to Anguilla, British West Indies. Published by Ingram Group. ISBN 978-1-5272417-8-7. Available to purchase here.
- Cambers G. & Wynne S.P. (2019). Beach changes and associated ecosystems services in Anguilla, British West Indies. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. DOI 10.1080/14634988.2019.1628585.
- Wynne S.P. (2020). The Young Explorers’ Guide To Coral Reef Creatures. Published by Ingram Group. ISBN 978-1-8382852-0-3. Available to purchase here.
- Wynne S.P. (2021). The Young Explorers’ Guide To Coral Reef Fish. Published by Ingram Group. ISBN 978-1-8382852-2-7 . Available to purchase here.
- Soanes L.M., Richardson J., Eckert K., Gumbs K., Halsey L.G., Hughes G., Levasseur K., Quattro J., Richardson R., Skinner J.A., Wynne, S.P., Mukhida F. (2022). Saving The Sea Turtles Of Anguilla: Combining Scientific Data With Community Perspectives To Inform Policy Decisions. Biological Conservation 268. DOI 109493
- Since freelance consulting from 2023 onwards most of my publication contributions are private reports or parts thereof not suitable for online archiving. Selected examples of this work can be obtained upon request.
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